Vestum has long-term and short-term sustainability targets in five areas: workplace environment, gender equality, skills recruitment, climate and biodiversity.
The targets extend to 2040, with interim goals for 2026, and focus on areas that are deemed particularly important from a sustainability perspective based on Vestum's operations.
Workplace environment
The framework for Vestum’s operations includes jobs that are physically challenging or expose workers to other forms of increased risk. Work environment issues therefore have the highest priority within Vestum, and we operate based on a zero-accident vision within the group.
- By 2026, Vestum shall have established, through active measures and educational efforts, a group-wide structure and culture that ensures both accurate reporting of incidents and accidents and encourages individual employees to speak up if the work environment is perceived as unsafe.
- By 2040, Vestum shall eliminate serious work accidents.
Gender equality
Utilizing all available talent and providing an equal and inclusive workplace are key components to Vestum's success. Vestum operates in sectors with a general need for increased gender equality, which Vestum wants to contribute to actively.
- By 2026, Vestum shall have a minimum of 35% female managers and at least 15% female employees throughout the group.
- By 2040, Vestum shall have an even gender distribution across all employees.
Skills recruitment
Vestum aims to contribute to social sustainability by providing internship and apprenticeship opportunities. In this way, Vestum can contribute to increased employment, livelihood, and diversity, while simultaneously reducing unemployment.
- By 2026, Vestum shall have provided at least 400 internship and apprenticeship positions.
- By 2040, Vestum shall have provided at least 1,800 internship and apprenticeship positions.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and Vestum operates in sectors that currently contribute significantly to climate emissions. Therefore, Vestum needs to take action to reduce its adverse climate impact.
- By 2026, Vestum shall reduce CO2e-emissions by 25% in scope 1, 2, and 3 by a total of 25% per unit of revenue to contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement. Vestum's base year for measurement will be 2023.
- By 2040, Vestum shall achieve net-zero climate impact across scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
Inom ramen för Vestums verksamhet förekommer det arbetsmoment som är tunga, slitsamma eller på annat sätt utsätter medarbetarna för utökad risk. Arbetsmiljöfrågor har därför högsta prioritet inom Vestum och vi arbetar utifrån en nollvision gällande olycksfall i koncernen.
- By 2026, Vestum shall have assessed its impact on biodiversity.
- By 2040, Vestum's shall achieve a net-zero impact on biodiversity.